So, I have now started my new adventure without sugar. I really don't know yet what to think about that, but the more I think about that the harder it is.. I found out that there is sugar almost every product that I buy from the grocery store! Crazy. Since I'm pregnant, I don't want to go too extreme with this adventure, I'm just trying to stay out of the sugar itself, such as cookies, candy, chocolate, pastries you name it.
I read this awesome book called "I quit sugar forever"
Canoeing in our first anniversary |
by Sarah Wilson and that helps me to find some ideas what to do when the cravings surprises me. The basic idea of that book is to eat as clean and as fresh food as possible. It's funny how my mom has tried for years to tell me to decrease the amount of sugar I'm eating and I've just laughed at her, why should I, I'm not gaining any weight or don't have any other reason to decrease it. But I just learned that I'm skinny fat. I might not gain any weight by eating crappy food, but my viscera is surrounded by lots of bad stuff which is even worse.. And what is kind of ironic also that my mom accidentally bought the same book a year ago and said sarcastically it's a really good book and I just laughed at her that why anyone would want to live without sugar? Such a waste, why you have to limit your life so much? Also my husband has tried to tell me the disadvantages of sugar and every time I have become very defensive and even got mad at him.
We love being outdoors |
Well, here I am today with my new diet and life changing experiment. I'm curious how this will affect me and am I even able to continue this after few days. Mostly I'm just impatient to see the results. I guess it takes a while though.
Since I'm already on my maternity leave and a bit bored, I need to find out constantly something interesting to do. I'm happy that now I've found some motivation to read. I've always loved reading and been frustrated for years that I haven't have time or energy to read books. Now I have, plenty and I enjoy it! Mostly I'm just frustrated that I'm so slow reader and I would love to read more. I'm happy that I have the opportunity now to do all that. I've started to be interested in so weird things that I could have never thought to be. At least I'm happy that I have found something else to do than just watching TV. For years I was a slave of TV and I suffered because of that. Slowly I have found the books and something else to do. I don't need to follow any TV show regularly anymore and I don't have this obsession anymore to keep TV open even though I don't watch it. I feel that I'm so much calmer and can do other things better when I force myself to keep the TV closed as much as possible. Still watching TV is one of my favourite things to do.

I have been thinking about how I could enjoy this pregnancy time. Since the beginning of my pregnancy all the moms that I've met have said to me that "remember to enjoy your pregnancy, it's a unique time and it goes by faster than you think!". And I've just nodded and smiled to them but thought how on earth I can enjoy this time when I don't feel good at all. First months I was very nauseous, all the time, couldn't eat or exercises, I was thinking how can I find anything enjoyable about it? Then my belly started to grow and I felt that it just doesn't fit to my body because I feel that I'm exploding all the time. Now I could do some sports but I was very uncomfortable all the time. And now I have these stomach aches when I'm walking more than 15 minutes. I guess they are contractions and I have to slow down. I have to admit to myself that I have to listen to my body because I'm carrying something very precious inside me and don't want to suffer more than I need. So today I was thinking how I have used now this two months that I've been at home and found out that yes, I have enjoyed this pregnancy. Maybe not the way everyone keep telling me, but instead of complaining and having this anger and frustration about how I feel I have found the way to enjoy my time at home. I have found so much interesting things to do. I have crochet, learnt new ways to cook, got inspired of writing, read books and started to enjoy my life in general. I can do whatever I want. I still need to find that inspiration to read bible more.

I'm happy that it's almost summer and I can enjoy the weather. I'm also happy that I'm pregnant for my first time during summer since I need to stay home for so long. There's sun to keep me happy and make me smile. I have also learnt to be thankful for so many things and I think that it is very important thing to learn. It's easy to complain and be sad and of course there's time for that too but it's very important to find things to be grateful and happy and remind yourself about those things every now and then.
My creative husband is addicted to this chili sauce and adds it to everything. This time even to spinach soup... |