Monday, March 6, 2017

6 Month Milestone

Today is the day that I've been waiting to come six months. Haha, you read it right. Our baby girl is today 6 months old. Why have I been waiting for this day to come since she was born? Well, let me be honest with you, she hasn't been the easiest baby. Now she is a bit more predictable and we have more tools to make our daily life easier and we are able to have more fun with her.

She has now started to explore her world more and it is fascinating to see her growth and development. It is also amazing to watch how the smallest things can be so adorable. Her finding her feet, her rolling over after weeks frustration, her eating solids, her playing with a pacifier and putting that to her mouth on her own and her discovering trash on the floor and trying to crab it without any success. She is now very curious of the outside world and every time when I'm pushing the strollers she wants to see where are we. That's the cutest thing ever! She still can't sit on her own and crawl but it's just matter of time when she finds out how that works. We have already lost our bets with my husband when she will crawl, but it's just so close!

The Americans 😆
I love going out with our little princess. I constantly set dates with my mom friends and going to different mom groups because I enjoy it and Isabella also loves it. I have found a totally new side of myself; being socially active :D! Who would have thought that a baby can encourage you to do that? I have been very shy child and started to come out of my shell when I was already in my twenties. My husband is the opposite of me. He loves social situations and I love that about him. He can make friends so easy and doesn't have problem asking people over. If it was up to him, we would have guests every day :D. But I'm too Finnish and I need some alone time. I hope our little one is having her dad's social skills so she wouldn't need to learn those social skills as an adult.

I have had for a long time this "getting rid of stuff" -mood. I feel like we are constantly buying stuff and thinking that "we need it". Our favorite store is this Red cross salvation army second hand store where you can find anything. It's so clean and well organized and they test that everything works before they put them for sail. We have bought furnitures, (most of the) baby stuff, dishes and much more from there. We go there weekly just to look around what they have. And almost every time I find something cute for Isabella (surprise!). So I got inspired by my cousin to have a break of buying clothes for myself. She said that she had a year break that she didn't buy clothes for herself and my reaction was instantly that how did you do that?? Her answer was simply that she stopped going to the clothing stores. I started to think about that and was excited to challenge myself to do the same but wasn't sure if I could do it. A year without any new clothes, that's insane! But at the same time I have my wardrobe full of clothes and there is lots and lots of clothes that I have never used. How stupid is that..? So what's the point of buying new clothes all the time if you don't use them, I asked myself. Now I'm thinking still should I do the break and the more I think about it the more excited I become. So this is closer to that step that I want, at least no more clothes for me.

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